Fee King

Fee King
Campaigning For Fitness

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Is Botox ONLY 4 white people??

My mother used to dis way me from wearing makeup when I was a teenager by saying, "Makeup is for UGLY people."  I would rattle off  a friend's name, who I thought was pretty with or without make up to make my point relevant, but my mother was NOT having it. She would tell me, "Fylicia...you don't need make up. "Your face is fine the way it is."

I didn't start wearing makeup until I was well into my 20's. I wore translucent powder because I have oily skin and of course lip gloss, but not make up. Now that I'm older, I actually like makeup. I'm going through a phase where I'm back to ONLY wearing translucent powder and VERY bright lipstick; while taking a short hiatus from the makeup, i.e,:
.  Foundation
.  Powder
.  Concealer
.  Eyeliner
. Mascara
.  Blush...etc

For the past five years, a friend of mine, has been aggressively suggesting get botox. Initially, I thought, "What are you trying to say?" "Are you saying I'm looking old and tired, I quipped?" So, today I went in for  consultation. I found this place while out making my alkaline water sales calls.  This consultation was  more out of curiosity than a strong desire. I know how essential water is to our skin; as the alkaline water completely cleared my skin of hormonal acne a few years back.  I wanted to see what all the hype was about this botox, fillers and the laser therapies. After all, I didn't know or at least think black women, outside of celebrities, had a need to  mess with what mother nature gave us.  Boy was I wrong. On my way to the medical spa where I was to receive my consultation, I ran by the grocery store and saw the Beautiful and Gorgeous Jada Pinkett Smith on the cover of a magazine. It's always good to see a sistah on the cover of any magazine; especially shape. However, She  looked different from the first time I saw her on Shape's cover. I can't quite put my finger on it, but her face looks full. Her eyes look different and her cheeks look different. I've always known her to have a very think and chiseled face and now her cheeks are plump and more round.

Th Physician's assistant looks at my face and remarks:
. That I have beautiful skin
.  I don't really need much
. She can't believe I'm 44
.  I would only need 20 CC's or something like that
I asked her about fillers, botox, resalin, juvaderm and face lifts of course. Now, I have no idea what any of this means; except that a face lift will have you looking like a tiger or a cat. It's not cute. I don't think those women have friends because my friends would not let me leave the house without telling me that I look like a feline. 

 The PA was very nice and seemed sincere. She wasn't trying to sell me on anything. However, I noticed judgement came up for me. I often wonder if We, as a society, place as much time, emphasis and money on cleaning up  and beautifying the inside as we do the outside; including myself. I know that I am a little vain. Okay, a lot. However, if I start getting this botox, fillers, and the laser face lift stuff, will I become addicted. She told me the cost for the amount of botox solution I would need would ONLY cost me:  $250.00 I  I might need to have it done two to three times a year. Well, shucks! That's less than what I pay for weave hair and a weave. I'm all in. lol. Kidding!!  The brand filler she would use; which would last longer than resalin and juvaderm is ONLY $650.00. I  might need that two-to-three times a year. Hum!! So, my yearly investment on softening my very subtle laugh lines and crow's feet..oh and my forehead lines would be around $2,700, not including tax. 

My take away from today's experience is:

YES .  I have judgement towards those who have work done on their faces solely for the sake of looking younger
.  I am; however, open to the idea of natural and cost effective cosmetic procedures that feel more like preventative as opposed to sheer vanity
.  Both botox and fillers are not nearly as expensive as I thought it would be
.  Where else might I find a use to spend $2,700 other than on my face?
.  I do still think cosmetic surgeries, for the most part, are what Caucasian, European and Asian women do; as the melanin in my skin dictates I don't really need it.   OR is it based on economics??
.  Could I simply be envious of those who:
A.  Can afford it
B.  Take that much stock in their appearance
Things that me you go Hum!!

If that latter bullet point makes me a racist; then ya'll need to cut it out and get over yourselves. You know, Fee King, is not a racist. This statement is based on  my observation, research and opinion.

The Physician's Assistant offered to give me a sample laser active lift procedure; which of course I said, "Yes" to. It lasted approximately 20-minutes. There was no infra-red light, only heat. It felt good. I'll be honest, the difference was so minimal that I didn't see the value.  Things that make me go Hum!

Would you get botox, fillers or laser lift cosmetic treatments?  Why or why not?

Yahollywoodfitnessogotgurl- Fee King

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