Fee King

Fee King
Campaigning For Fitness

Sunday, December 21, 2014

I'm at the END of my life!!

His name is Al. I met him while working at the water house this past summer. He’s vibrant, alive and has all of his faculties in tact. He’s ninety years young and he's a charmer.
I hadn’t seen Al much this Fall due to my travels. I’m back working at the water store for the month of December ,when Al walked past the door and did a double take. We picked up exactly where we’d left off.  Al has been sharing with me a book that he’s written. He tells me he’s looking for an editor. I ask him a few questions about his book; in order to get a better idea of how I may be able to help him find what he’s looking for. I finally lament and I said, “Al, why don’t you email me the description of what you’re looking for.”  He quips through his sly grin and tells me that he doesn’t do technology. He has no cell phone, no computer, no instagram or the face thing. He then shares with me the importance of him finding someone to edit his manuscript, because  “I’m at the end.” 

It was the first time I fully heard and understood what that meant. After the age of fifty; you come to the realization that life affords some of US  a:
.  MIDDLE and
.  an END!
And at ninety years of age, you know that death is inescapable. However, you keep living until it’s your time. With that being said, we rarely think of leaving this gift of a life before we’re supposed to. I think we mostly believe we’ll all live to the ripe old age of seventy, eighty, ninety or if we’re lucky…one hundred years old.

While having a conversation with my sister yesterday, December 20th, she asked me if I ever planned to return to our hometown of Omaha, Ne. I responded, “This might sound warped, but not unless it’s for someone’s funeral.”  I’d give anything to take those words back today.

I got word this morning that my best friend’s 25-year old son was murdered last night. Not shot and in the hospital.  This YOUNG man is gone. I remember when she was pregnant with Kerrington. I remember coming back home to Omaha, when she gave birth, to meet this beautiful bouncing new baby boy. He was the first grandchild born. I remember watching him grow up from afar and now he’s no longer with us. 

At what point did pulling out a gun, aiming it at a person and pulling the trigger become an:
When I was growing up, the thought of shooting another human being NEVER crossed my mind. When you shoot another human being, there is no take back, rewind or do over. There is no recovering from that. 

Today my heart is heavy. I’m in a cloud. I vacillate between anger and confusion.  I don’t feel like myself…at all. I’m not a parent; so I don’t know what it feels like to outlive your baby. I can only imagine what my best friend is going through and it has the words:
.  SADNESS  and
.  Emptiness   written on it
We’ve all heard the adage that:
Life is short
Tomorrow’s not promised to anybody
Don’t put of  tomorrow; what you can do today
Better to have loved and lost …than to NEVER have loved at all
Life is 4 the living

Let no day go by without telling the people close to you…that U love them. Cherish and hold one another up.  Change begins at home. If we teach ALL children that ALL lives are an asset and that their life matters;  maybe then we’ll see fewer black boys killed at the hands of other black boys. 

I’ll never forget Kerrington’s smile and his cute little laugh. The last time I was in Omaha, he shared with me his love of music and how he wanted to come out to Cali to pursue his rap career. I’ll forever remember how much love he showed his mother and siblings. He was a spitting image of his father Kerry Baker. I send my BFF Love, Light and compassion during her time of need.  Tomorrow’s NOT promised to anybody



Monday, December 15, 2014

I wasn't SUPPOSED to be there!!

I wasn't supposed to be there today, but I was there. I WAS supposed to be there today. I'm grateful I was there today

.  There are NO Accidents!
.  EVERYTHING is in divine order!
.  Sometimes you're the Messenger; other times you're being used to relay the message
.  The Journey is much more valuable than the destination
.  Each one Teach one

I live by the above mentioned principles. SO, it was no surprise when she walked into Beyond o2 this morning at 10:05 a.m. I was on a call, assisting a first time home owner with buying a 3-Temp alkaline system and possibly a whole house water softening system. The young lady, who appeared to be in her early to mid forties,  waited for me to end my phone call. I noticed she was very patient. Most times, people who come into our store are in a time sensitive hurry. This lady wasn't. That immediately got my attention. By the time I'd finished my call, she was on a cell phone call.  She then extended her arm over the counter to hand me  her cell phone. Without missing a beat, I accepted her cell phone. I introduced myself to the person on the other end and the tone of my day would be set.

The voice on the other end told me that her fifty-seven year old sister had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer and had a tumor blocking her throat; which was causing her pain and to have a raspy voice.  She then shared with me that  her friend, we'll call her Rosie, who was in the store seated in front of me, told her wonderful things about our water and how our water healed Rosie of her  brain tumor. The voice on the other end proceeded to share with me that she, herself, has MS and would like to get more information on our "Miracle Water."  

You see...me an cancer go way back. My mother, best friend and high school sweetheart all died of cancer. It's a very sensitive topic for me and thousands who have lost someone they love to cancer. I shared with the caller all of the benefits of both our "Miracle/High Concentrate" water. We call it High concentrate; due to it's PH level being that of 11.5.  I give thanks daily for my health. As a matter of fact, I thank source...Spirit...Universe...GOD and myself throughout the day for my health. I  never take it for granted. But there for the grace of God; go I.

While filling up water for her friend and her friend's sister, Rosie shared with me that her nine-year old son had been born with a cell mutating condition I'd never heard of. Because of his condition, the child didn't speak during the formative years of his life. Now, at nine years of age, she says he not only speaks, but acts out in violent rages of anger and frustration directed at her. She asked me if I thought the water could help her soon. I had to fight hard to hold back the tears.  I could see and feel the pain welling up in this woman's body. We were both doing our best to hold it together.  I explained that "All things are possible"  I also shared with her testimonies from two other customer's, with son's who had been diagnosed with mental illness.  Due to the consistency of drinking our water,  their mental state greatly improved, according to the parents of these young men. One such customer's son can ONLY drink alkaline water; due to the high levels of mercury in our city tap water.

Now, let me be clear when I say this.  I am NOT saying that alkaline water cures or diminishes signs of mental illness or disease. What I am saying, is that if our body's are made up of nearly 80% water - then surely drinking clean (Fluoride, Chlorine, Chloramine-Free) water with 72-trace minerals in it, can do a body good.  If a healthy change in diet can reverse Diabetes Type II, High blood pressure and High Cholesterol- then surely water has those same attributes. 

I then hugged this lady, with my heart touching her heart and wished her peace, healing and happiness.

Today was confirmation that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to be doing; which is positively impacting lives. Whether it's with my 1-woman show or clean alkaline water - I am blessed with this wonderful opportunity.

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

@yahollywoodfitnessgotogurl (Instagram)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What FAITH moves have U made in 2014??

The biblical definition of “FAITH” in
Hewbrews 11:1 says: Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

The definition of “HOPE” is:
1.  A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen..
2.  A feeling of trust

I often hear people talking about having faith or advising me to strengthen my faith or just live by faith. Those same people giving me that advice,  are usually people using words and phrases such as:

.  Fear
.  Worry
.  Be careful
.  Well, what about?
.  Well, what you gone do if?

What I know about myself is – I AM:

.  A Spiritual being having Human experiences
.  Not a religious person
.  A Believer of ALL things are Possible and Probable, if you BELIEVE they are.

With that being said, when I returned from performing my 1-woman show  and vacationing around  Europe and the UK, I realized the lifestyle I want is one that affords me the luxury and opportunity to  travel, write, speak and use my life story to Inspire people into action. And becoming a first time auntie, to a niece who lives on the East Coast, meant I needed to make a lifestyle change and quick. So, I stepped out on FAITH and transitioned my position as a full-time sales and social media maven at Beyondo2, into the very first Outside Sales Rep position for the Santa Monica territory. In doing that, I made sure to stay clear of All of those people who use those FEAR based words.  Would it be easy? “No” But, what I believe it will be is:

.  An Incredible opportunity that would further encourage my growth as a woman, artist and entrepreneur

.  An opportunity for me to Educate, Share and Impact the World with the benefits of something most of us take for granted in this country; which is Clean  & Hydrating water.

 The company I work for could’ve easily told me to take a hike, when I returned from my trip to give them my 45-day notice. Instead, they have given me, what I consider, the chance of a lifetime. To prove to myself, through my FAITH, that I can and will do exactly what I’ve set out to do. Anyone who Knows me, knows I LOVE to work out, drink clean water and share MY story. Life can be a WIN/WIN.  I don’t focus on the “How”.  I just keep living in the space of “FAITH” that I will BE…DO and HAVE all that makes me happy. After all, according to Bob Proctor, being HAPPY is OUR birthright.
What “FAITH” moves have you made in 2014?


Monday, November 17, 2014

Question ONLY White women ask me!!

“Oh my god…Oh my God. “ I LOVE your hair”.  I hear this often; as in several times EVERY day. I love it. My hairstyle is definitely an extension of my personality. My hairstyle is an extension of my creativity. My hairstyle is a big part of who I have become. I’m a conversation piece junky. I love doing things, wearing things and being the THING that elicits interesting dialogue.  It’s just my personality.

What I don’t like; however, is when Caucasian women compliment my hair, and then linger for the punch line: “Is it yours?”  Men NEVER ask if this is my hair. Black, Latin and most Asian women NEVER ask me if this is my hair.

While in Europe, this summer, the conversation of MY hair came up on a daily basis. Little blonde teenage girls with a thick Scottish accent would corner me in grocery stores and ask me a barrage of questions like:
1.   “How did you get your hair like that?
2.  “Who does it your hair?”
4.  “How do you sleep on it?”

Now! Don’t get me wrong. I’m flattered. I have a great hairstylist  (Nicola) who helps to refine this look. My issue is why Caucasian women think this MIGHT Not be my real or natural hair. It’s quite offensive. It would be the same as me asking women with large breast: “Are those implants you have?” OR, asking a blonde or a redhead if that’s her natural color.

My guy and I were having a late lunch on Halloween in Maui, Hawaii, a couple weeks ago. The hostess fawned over my hair. She just went on and on about how much she liked it, yadah! yadah! yadah!  She then leaned in, as if it was a secret, and asked, “Is that all your hair?” I’d had enough. I didn’t want to come off like  (The Angry Black Woman) that the media can portray us to be.  I politely told her that I found her question to be inappropriate. If it’s on my head, it’s my hair. She turned beat red out of embarrassment. She later came over to my table and further apologized.  She in turn thanked me for helping her to see where she could get better with her tact. 

I finally had to ask myself, “Self, what is it about this question, “Is that your real hair” that bothers you soo much. I had to get honest with myself.  I’ve created a belief that people, of other cultures, don’t think WE (Black women) are beautiful, unless we have some other kind of hair woven into our hair. I feel the same way when people ask me if I’m mixed or biracial.  It’s as if the World is saying you can’t be this beautiful, talented or smart unless you have another ethnicity mixed in with your blackness. Or, your hair can’t be this Incredible, unless It’s  in an altered state.  Whether that altered state be: pressed, permed, two-strand twisted OR weaved.  Maybe I subconsciously believe MY hair isn’t beautiful or good without a weave. Maybe I overcompensate with my hairstyle because I’m sensitive about the state of my natural hair.  You know what they say, if a man has a small penis; he’ll go out and buy a Porsche.   If you’re going to give someone a compliment, just give it and leave it at that. Things that make me go Hum! 


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Are U a Product of your Environment???

You don’t know product... like I know product. Growing up in Omaha, Nebraska in the 80’s and 90’s, meant I was a product of my Environment. Like many of us, I was a product of my family.  I was a product of my culture and my community; which meant:

.  Drinking Kool-Aid with more Sugar than the aid
.  Drinking Tang
.  Eating frosted flakes with powdered milk that you’d put in the freezer in a failed attempt at helping it to taste more like cow’s milk than it ever could
.  Hanging out at the pool ALL day and coming home with your hair in the same state as what it was when you left the house, i.e. DRY
. Being sent to the grocery store with a note from my mom giving me permission to buy cigarettes for her
.  Using Vaseline for EVERYTHING ashy and dry, such as:

.  Lip-gloss AND chap stick
.  Lipstick if you mixed a little red kool-aid  powder with it
.  Lotion
.  Hair moisturizer
.  Baby hair smoother outer
.  Elbow and knee ash controller
.  Nail cuticle softener

.  Johnson & Johnson baby oil – as an upgraded splurge from vaseline

.  Eating every meal with chicken or pork chops, starch and boiled veggie

.  Getting our daily serving of fruit from Dole canned fruit

.  Drinking a minimum of 2 cans of Orange crush, red and/or purple pop

We’re from the Midwest and we referred to soda as pop. 

Just because you come from a certain place and grew up doing a certain thing, doesn’t mean you’re NOT allowed to expand your consciousness to new ideas and concepts.  You know! Broaden your horizons.

Most of those things I did as a kid, I no longer do today. Okay! Okay! Okay! So, I do still use Vaseline, but it’s like a tradition. I just can’t help myself. There is something to be said for that big tub of that thick and sticky yellow shine that just makes me feel at home. However, I have replaced the following for the following:

.  Almond milk in place of  the powder and vitamin D cow’s milk.  So I haven’t given up the ice-cream. I’m a work in progress…okay!
.  Actual natural hair care products for MY type of hair or weave
.  fresh squeezed fruit AND vegetables; as well as grilled  VS the boiled veggies mom used to make
.  And today, I mainly drink water VS kool-aid, tang and colorful sodas

Who would’ve thought my palette would actually crave water.  When I’m out with friend or my guy and the waiter asks what will I be drinking, they both chime in, “she’ll have water. And, I drink my water 30-minutes to an hour after my meal; so as not to interrupt the digestion process.

So, get our your check list and make note of how you’ve Grown, Changed and Expanded. Acknowledge yourself for being open to ALL that you have access to today. After all; were in an information age where information is Power. And, let Us no longer feel like victims of our Environment; yet let us reminisce and find the humor and nostalgia in where we come from and how far we’ve come.
