Fee King

Fee King
Campaigning For Fitness

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Are U a Product of your Environment???

You don’t know product... like I know product. Growing up in Omaha, Nebraska in the 80’s and 90’s, meant I was a product of my Environment. Like many of us, I was a product of my family.  I was a product of my culture and my community; which meant:

.  Drinking Kool-Aid with more Sugar than the aid
.  Drinking Tang
.  Eating frosted flakes with powdered milk that you’d put in the freezer in a failed attempt at helping it to taste more like cow’s milk than it ever could
.  Hanging out at the pool ALL day and coming home with your hair in the same state as what it was when you left the house, i.e. DRY
. Being sent to the grocery store with a note from my mom giving me permission to buy cigarettes for her
.  Using Vaseline for EVERYTHING ashy and dry, such as:

.  Lip-gloss AND chap stick
.  Lipstick if you mixed a little red kool-aid  powder with it
.  Lotion
.  Hair moisturizer
.  Baby hair smoother outer
.  Elbow and knee ash controller
.  Nail cuticle softener

.  Johnson & Johnson baby oil – as an upgraded splurge from vaseline

.  Eating every meal with chicken or pork chops, starch and boiled veggie

.  Getting our daily serving of fruit from Dole canned fruit

.  Drinking a minimum of 2 cans of Orange crush, red and/or purple pop

We’re from the Midwest and we referred to soda as pop. 

Just because you come from a certain place and grew up doing a certain thing, doesn’t mean you’re NOT allowed to expand your consciousness to new ideas and concepts.  You know! Broaden your horizons.

Most of those things I did as a kid, I no longer do today. Okay! Okay! Okay! So, I do still use Vaseline, but it’s like a tradition. I just can’t help myself. There is something to be said for that big tub of that thick and sticky yellow shine that just makes me feel at home. However, I have replaced the following for the following:

.  Almond milk in place of  the powder and vitamin D cow’s milk.  So I haven’t given up the ice-cream. I’m a work in progress…okay!
.  Actual natural hair care products for MY type of hair or weave
.  fresh squeezed fruit AND vegetables; as well as grilled  VS the boiled veggies mom used to make
.  And today, I mainly drink water VS kool-aid, tang and colorful sodas

Who would’ve thought my palette would actually crave water.  When I’m out with friend or my guy and the waiter asks what will I be drinking, they both chime in, “she’ll have water. And, I drink my water 30-minutes to an hour after my meal; so as not to interrupt the digestion process.

So, get our your check list and make note of how you’ve Grown, Changed and Expanded. Acknowledge yourself for being open to ALL that you have access to today. After all; were in an information age where information is Power. And, let Us no longer feel like victims of our Environment; yet let us reminisce and find the humor and nostalgia in where we come from and how far we’ve come.


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