Fee King

Fee King
Campaigning For Fitness

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ya Hollywood Fitness GotoGurl!: My neighbors called the cops on my “Black (Male) H...

Ya Hollywood Fitness GotoGurl!: My neighbors called the cops on my “Black (Male) H...: I know that racism, sexism and classicism is alive and well.  Although I am Not a black man, I tend to think I have some idea of what it ...

My neighbors called the cops on my “Black (Male) Housekeeper”

I know that racism, sexism and classicism is alive and well.  Although I am Not a black man, I tend to think I have some idea of what it means to be a Black Man.  Today, I realized I have NO idea. 

I hired a new housekeeping company a few days ago by the name of handy.com to clean my place once a week while I’m vacationing in Maui.  It’s a new app that allows you to book cleaning professionals via the app or via their website.  And, your first cleaning is ONLY $29.99.  You pay for what you get people. Remember you read it here. I digress. That’s another story that I plan to blog about.

I was shocked when my new cleaning professional, Daryl, informed me that he was unable to clean my apartment this morning due to being ushered off of the property by Santa Monica P.D for loitering.  WTFreak! He had to have been at the wrong complex, I thought.  Prior to having this phone conversation with Daryl, the only plausible reason I could come up with for this young man to be asked to leave an unsecured apartment building, would be because he’s a Black-American. After speaking with Daryl, I could tell he was a brutha. He's very polite, articulate and professional. Yet, he’s still BLACK! I live in a small beach community, where it’s not unusual to see new faces several times a day. My neighbors enjoy entertaining; as well as subletting their apartments, on a short term basis. Therefore, it’s very common to see faces that you don’t recognize. Although, I’m pretty much the ONLY black face you'll see on the premises, my neighbors seem to be very:
.  open-minded
.  well socialized
.  non-bigotry (Is that a real word)
kind of people.   My neighbor (s) aren’t prejudiced. My neighbors don’t racially profile. After all, they like me. Oh! That’s right. I’m not a threat. I’m NOT a loaded walking Black man. 

My cleaning professional arrived thirty minutes prior to his scheduled cleaning time.  While awaiting instructions on where to pick the key up from, he decided to sit in the back seat of his vehicle to have a phone conversation with the handy.com dispatcher.  Additionally, he took a walk to the beach, while he killed time waiting for a response as to where he could pick up the key. Within less than 30-minutes of being on the property where I reside, in Santa Monica Ca, an African-American police officer approached his vehicle with a barrage of questions. My new housekeeping professional was able to show the officer his credentials; as well as explained why he was on the premises.  The young man, my new and now former, housekeeping professional shared with me that he’s from Los Angeles and knows how these things work.  WTFreak! No one should be accustomed to how THIS works.  The police officer, gave him that look that ONLY minorities give one another, when they know some bull shit has just gone down; however, it’s best that you move along, so as to not cause any further issues.

Not only am I embarrassed, but I am disappointed. The old Fylicia couldn’t wait to get home; so she could go off on her neighbors. But, what good would that do?  You can’t fight ignorance with ignorance. Here we are in the year 2015 and this type of ignorance is still happening. My heart is heavy. I felt bad for this young man. I don’t have the answer; however, I am open to coming up with some solutions.  Please weigh in on this issue.

Black Lives Matter!
