I was around eight years old when my mother sent my sister and I to stay with my grandmother’s fishing buddy, Ms. Y’vetta, in Omaha, Ne. When you’re eight years old in the early 70’s, raised by a very strong, dominating and independent black mother, you don’t have the wherewithal, the vocabulary, nor the courage to ask WHY? You just do as you’re told. My mother was never one to feel obligated to explain, to her children, why she was doing what she was doing. But, we trusted her and would follow her to the ends of the World if she said “Let’s go.”
Not until I was around thirty or thirty-one years of age, would I know why we were sent to stay with Ms. Yvetta for that short stint.
I don’t recall exactly how old I was when I called my mother to tell her I had been diagnosed with uterine fibroid tumors, but I believe I was in my very early thirties. She didn’t seem surprised by my news. She dismissed it and replied, “Oh, I had those before when I was in my twenties.” “I had them removed when you and Nikki were little girls.” In her nonchalant way of being, she told me she had a complete hysterectomy. I realized the time we stayed with our grandmother’s friend, was the time my mother had her fibroid removal surgery.
I’d known since I was a teenager that something was growing inside of me and it wasn’t a baby. It was a feeling I had. I used to get sharp knife-like pains in my abdomen days after my menstrual cycle. I complained to my mother about them and she told me, They’re just woman pains…’It means you’re becoming a woman,” She said. She would speak in code that way; all mysterious sounding. lol. I had no idea what pain in my abdomen had to do with becoming
a woman. I figured she didn’t either, so I dropped it.
By my early thirties, the tumors had grown so large and were growing fast, that it began to negatively affect nearly EVERY area of my life. I was tired all the time. I was irritable and my uterus was the size of a 5-month pregnant woman. I opted for two procedures:
. An Embolization
. Partial Myoectomy.
I went with these procedures, because they were less invasive and would supposedly preserve my fertility, in the event, I ever decided to have children. My sister flew down from Maryland to help me with the surgeries. My mother, being the comic relief in the family, called the hospital a few days after my first procedure, to tell the doctor to give me a bikini incision; because I was an actress and might have to wear a bathing suit in a movie or tv show. BYE! Momma. She also assumed I had a hysterectomy; although I told her about the procedures I opted to have. To know her, was to love her. Bless her heart.
I was told, by my physician, that my fibroids would shrink by up to 50% after the embolization procedure. That hasn’t quite happened. Although I feel much better than I did eight years ago - I know that it's due to my DETERMINED spirit, the deep love and appreciation I have for my life condition, my meditation practice, exercise, a cleaner diet, more research and the work of my new chiropractor, Dr. Shanfar. These uterine fibroids will be released from my body. I don’t know the “HOW”; however, I do believe it’s possible. I've seen it come to fruition in my dreams.
Dr. Shanfar's approach to healing is to treat the whole person and not just the symptoms. She does this unique suction cup technique; which is painful, but you feel it moving the energy around and releasing scar tissue. Dr. Shanfar does this by incorporating nutrition, herbs, manipulation of the spine, joints of the extremities, and yoga poses, which have healing benefits for the mind and the body.
Dr. Shanfar’s technique is one of the only absolutely non-invasive methods of healing where no external object will invade the very highly evolved system of intelligence that is the human body. She is the first person, outside of myself, who is truly concerned; while being proactive with helping me to release these tumors from my uterus. I went to her for my shoulder, my sciatic nerve and the clicking in ankles. Seeing her about my fibroids was the furthest from my mind. What I do know is that there are NO accidents. All things are in their divine order. And what doesn’t kill me, will make you stronger.
I don’t typically allow people to touch my stomach. Not my massage therapist, not myself or my boyfriend. The work that Dr. Shanfar has been doing with me is allowing me to unblock that sacred area. I now touch my own stomach. I massage my stomach. I lather my tummy with lotion, coconut oil and peppermint oil. I talk to my fibroids. I am learning to show compassion; which in turn I believe will help me to release them; as I no longer need them. I have many beliefs on why I developed fibroids at an early age. That to be shared in a later blog. What does matter is knowing that I have the power to release them from my body.
I share this with you because there are thousands of women suffering from fibroid tumors, uterine cysts and an array of other fertility-related situations. If me sharing my story gives another woman the power to start healing through her suffering; then my sharing will not have gone in vain. I proudly wear the temporary scars from the suctioning technique that I have done twice a week. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Fuck Fibroids. They have no power over me and they have NO power over you.
When we first met in 2006, I was months from death due to Uterine Fibroids. I didn't die. I had only discovered them in 2002. I believe it was the way I identified with them. I used to rub my stomach and say, "Oh, I have Fibroids." I think that welcoming energy caused them to worsen and grow rapidly. If I were to do it over I would not ever say, "I have Fibroids! I would verbalize it, "There are Fibroids in my Uterus and I'm fighting them!"
ReplyDeleteWhen I finally came to terms with the only treatment option for me. (partial Hysterectomy) Because they are so vascular, I would have bled to death if she tried a Myomectomy. I was the size of a 5-1/2 month pregnant woman. But, I was unaware of the fact that those things were killing me. They began to tax my heart. I thought I was just tired, but my heart was not able to work as it should because of all the blood I lost. I gained 35 pounds of water. Once the Edema had gone down, all the spots that I poked to show my clients how water-logged I was, became painful bruises. (Months later!) Three times while training clients I was one color on the pass-out color-wheel from hitting the floor. I was working everyday with a Hemaglobin of 6. And losing pints of blood nightly.
A month before the surgery one of the Pastors at our church prayed for me. God spoke the word LIFE to her over and over again. She told my mom she wondered if I was pregnant.
After multi-unit Transfusion, pain and a multitude of embarrassing accidents, I had the surgery in August of 2006.
At my follow up, 10 days later, my doctor told me, "Two more months and I would have been dead."
A couple of years later, it hit me! Why she was hearing the word LIFE again and again. God says, "Life is in the blood" and I had been bleeding heavily, daily for 3 years. My LIFE had been leaving me.
God knew my own children were not in his plan for me. I became OK with that. I worry I'll never be a Grandma, but I'm trusting him for that.
He saved my life for something. Fibroids couldn't take it, so I'm gonna rest in the knowledge that I have something to do while I'm here.
I hope this inspires one woman to seek the help she needs.
My goodness. You are brave and courageous and WISE. Thank you for sharing Jennifer. I often wonder why it is that I attract women have have become victorious over the same or similar situations as I have. How are you doing today..9 years later? Oh! Oddly enough, I had my embolization in 2006. I just found a photo of the pudunculated fibroid that they removed. My prayers are with you as I send you love, light and continued healing for your body. Fee King