Fee King

Fee King
Campaigning For Fitness

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Are ALL the GOOD men in prison?

I've always had both a Fear and a Fascination with prison. My two biggest Fears in life have been:
.  Being a single mother
.  Going to prison

I'm claustrophobic; so I know I would lose my mind living in a 5 By 7 cell.  There's just certain things I know to be true about myself and that's one of them.

My mother, Donna-Marie Alvoid, God rest her beautiful soul, almost had me believing that ALL of the GOOD men were in deed in prison.

I'll never forget driving from Omaha, Ne to Lincoln, Ne to meet my mommas new boyfriend:  Edward Jackson. My younger sister and I would play in the background with the other visitor's children, while she and Mr. Edward talked and made  googly eyes at one another.  Mr. Edward was FINE too. He was that in-mate number 22, orange jump suit wearing, incarcerated, been lifting weights ALL day and eating mostly protein kinda-Fine.  He was buffed beyond belief with a creamy colored caramel vaseline-smooth skin and a smile that could put Bill Dee Williams out of show business.  The man was FINE!

My mom used to say to  me; which always felt more like advice that wasn't so good, that I needed to stop fooling with these FREE men and get me an inmate kinda love.  (I'm paraphrasing) I must've been all of thirteen or fourteen at the time of this advice.

As I watched the verdict being handed down in the Aaron Hernandez case yesterday morning, I was reminded of my mother's sentiment, that ALL the good men were in prison. Now,  I don't know if she meant that ALL the FINE men were in prison or if she really thought ALL of the hard working, educated, intelligent, conscious men, who really didn't commit that crime that landed him behind bars, kinda good man were in prison.

As the camera panned to Aaron Hernandez's expression when the verdict was handed down, I couldn't help but think, "Damn that man is FINE!"  I found myself looking around the gym to see if anyone heard my inner voice speaking outloud. He was nicely dressed with a fresh hair cut,  clear skin and a strong jaw line. He looked nothing like a murderer to me.  Good thing I wasn't on the jury.

Now that I'm older, I'd like to think I  understand what my mother may have meant when she said, "ALL the good men were in prison."  I believe she believed that soo many of our men (black men), who could've done something good with their lives, contributed to society in an impactful way, taken care of their children, loved their woman; simply made poor choices that landed them in prison.  And yes, the odds were and still are stacked against them.  It's not that ALL of them are BAD people. I don't believe there are BAD people; only people who make BAD choices and exhibit BAD behavior.  Aaron Hernandez is a man who apparently made BAD choice after BAD choice after BAD choice. His time has now come to the pay the piper.  

As for the notion that ALL of the good men are in prison; I think I'll take my chances with  a FREE man.


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