Fee King

Fee King
Campaigning For Fitness

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Now that Im in the South - think I'll become a TOASTMASTER! Are U ready 2 let go of the things U used to do in order to become the person U were meant to be??

Are white people going to be there AND will I be the ONLY "Black" person there? Those fear based limiting thoughts used to drive my decisions; as it related to making work-related, entrepernurial networking decisions.

I grew up in Omaha, Ne in the 70's and 80's. In those days, neighborhoods, schools, parks, churches and even grocery stores were relegated to being in "The Black area" OR "The white area"  I was bussed to a "White School”, which was determined ONLY by the fact that I had to be bussed to a neighborhood on the other side of Omaha. This was a neighborhood that looked nothing like my neighborhood and surrounded by people who looked neither looked or spoke like me. 

I quickly became accustomed to being either The ONLY black person in ALL of my classes or one of two or three at the most. I was used to the uncomfortable stairs and whispers. Now that I'm older and wiser, I also realize that some of what I was experiencing was of my own projecting. Those kids were equally as uncomfortable with the unfamiliar look, habit and  culture of kids of color entering a school they were told was theres. We had been socially conditioned by our parents, their parents- parent, school officials, radio, tv and magazines, to believe that the shinny green  part of town with the big houses and well kept parks were for the white people and whatever was left over was for the Blacks, Mexicans, the few Native-Americans who hadn’t been driven to the reservations  and the poor White trash.

I woke up this morning excited for the PERADVENTURE  I would create. The only thing I knew for sure was there there would be an almond milk cappuccino, social media and perusing various websites in an effort to look at a few job postings; just to keep that muscle flexed. I caught a Lyft ride to Winter Park, notably known for having rows and rows of mansions. It's pegged as the upper echelon area of Orlando. I had no idea where I was going, only that I was going to a Toastmaster Meetup at “The Mayflower.” I walked into the lobby of the “Mayflower” retirement facility greeted by warm smiles and head nods from several seniors. It was absolutely delightful. For just a moment, I forgot I was both in the South and Bald! lol.

I entered the Toastmaster meeting room, with my new confident, happy, black bald self, to a space filled with ALL old people.  Three of those older people were men pushing those new fangled walking wheel chair style walkers. Initially, thought I crashed an old folks reunion. BTW! We no longer refer to our senior citizens as “Old Folks” as these older people had still a lot of life left in them. Not only was I the ONLY black woman, when I first arrived, but I was the ONLY bald woman. It was great. I love being different. I now welcome it. I know there is no one else who looks and acts like me:  Fee. 

The Toastmaster (a person who proposes or announces) was a woman named Elizabeth, who looked to be in her mid to late 70’s.  She spoke with such eloquence and clarity.  The majority of the members, like Elizabeth, were people over the age of 70, with a few forty-somethings and one lady who looked to be in her 30’s. It just so happens that I LOVE the Seniors. One would ask, why would a group of retired senior citizens be interested in improving their communication and leadership skills? To that I say, as long as their is breathe in our bodies - let us not stop living and striving to improve. Those people welcomed me with open hearts. They were warm and engaging and invited me to return.

Now that I'm building a new life in Orlando, Fl (The South) it's imperative that I get out, explore, meet people of varying backgrounds, ages and culture; while allow the next phase of my life to happen for me VS me forcing something to happen.  I'm clear that my biggest and BEST asset is me - Fee. I am 100% clear that I will  make my impact and my living by being exactly who I AM:  Fee King - the Motivator/Inspirator, Instigator, Explorer, Writer, Blogger and People's Advocate.

Fee King - Yahollywoodfitnessgotogurl

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